100 Automotive Technology – Intro to High Performance

TS101 Program Introduction & Engine Theory | 1 week, 15 lecture hours, 7.5 lab hours Students will get an overview of the 14-week Tuner School, LLC program. Students will learn the basics of engine operation and develop an understanding of common engine nomenclature and terms.

TS102 Induction Systems and Exhaust Systems | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will learn about intake and exhaust system theory, exhaust system types, benefits of exhaust system modification and/or change as well as develop an understanding of common nomenclature/terms. Extensive time is spent in the Tuner School shop learning about intake and exhaust applications and workings.

TS103 Power Adders and Performance Rebuilding | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will learn about different types of "power adders", how forced induction "boost" affects engine performance, special requirements when running forced induction, and engine rebuild/upgrade items to consider when building an engine for use with forced induction. In addition, students will learn forced induction nomenclature/terms with time spent doing hands-on work in the HPE build shop.

TS103.1 Power Adders and Performance Rebuilding | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours Students will spend extensive time working directly with the instructor(s) learning how to install, construct and modify forced induction systems as well as high-performance fuel delivery systems required with forced induction.

TS104 Drivetrain, Transmission, Chassis and Suspension | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will learn about the basics of (and different types of) vehicle drivetrains, transmissions, chassis systems and suspensions. In addition, students will learn special nomenclature/terms with extensive time spent doing hands-on work in the HPE build shop

TS104.1 Drivetrain, Transmission, Chassis and Suspension | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours Students will spend extensive time working directly with the instructor(s) learning how to install, construct and modify drivetrains, transmission and suspension systems.

TS105 Chassis Setup and Tuning | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will learn about the basics of chassis setup and tuning for specific driving/testing conditions. In addition, students will learn special nomenclature/terms with extensive time spent doing hands-on chassis work in the HPE build shop.

TS105.1 Chassis Setup and Tuning | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours Students will spend time directly with the instructor(s) learning how to install, construct and modify after-market chassis systems.

TS 106 Engine Tuning | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will learn about the basics regarding engine setup and tuning. Special time will be allocated to special tuning considerations for forced induction applications. In addition, students will learn special calibration nomenclature/terms.

TS106.1 Engine Tuning | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours Students will spend time working directly with the instructor(s) learning the basics of engine calibration techniques (including special applications).

TS111 Automotive Electrical | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours  Students will learn about the basics of electrical fundamentals, including electrical/electronic terminology, components and measurement.

TS108 On-Road Testing, Race Track Testing and High-Performance Driving Techniques | 1 week, 10 lecture hours, 12.5 lab hours Students will get an overview of real-world testing procedures to determine the benefits of (and special tuning requirements of) after-market upgrades. Much emphasis is placed on testing safety along with back-to-back performance test repeatability.

TS109 Specialized Training | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours By week 13, the natural talents/skills/abilities of each student will become clear to the instructor(s). A private student-to-instructor discussion will occur to discuss each student's best course of "work emphasis" relating to automotive tuning. Afterwards, extensive time will be spent in the project shop focusing on individualized, specific training to perfect a specialty aspect of tuner modifications.

TS110 Specialized Training, Where to Go From Here, Marketing Your Skills | 1 week, 5 lecture hours, 17.5 lab hours  Class time will be spent summing up the classroom and hands-on education students have learned in the previous 13 weeks followed by "where to go from here" advice. Special classroom discussion on how best to market your acquired Tuner School, LLC education/skills will occur. In addition, each student will spend time further perfecting their specialty via hands-on work in the HPE build shop.

Make Fast Cars Go Faster In Just 14 Weeks!

Tuner School is the World’s only automotive technical school dedicated to teaching car enthusiasts how to modify and tune cars, sports cars and race cars.